Contact Us

holet in grass rescue cornwall

General Enquiries - If you have a non urgent question that’s not answered in the FAQ’s section, pop fill out the form below. Please note this is not to be used for hedgehog emergencies or urgent advice, CALL the rescue if you have found or are concerned about a hedgehog.

If you are unsure whether a hedgehog needs help please CALL for advice. We do, where possible, return hedgehogs to the location where they were found so details relating to this will be taken and discussed when a hedgehog is admitted.

Opening Hours
8am - 8pm

07926 576164

If you find a hedgehog in need of help outside of the rescues opening hours,

  • Use a pair of gardening gloves or an old towel to scoop the hedgehog up and place it in a high sided box.

  • Provide a blanket/towel or torn newspaper, the hedgehog will feel much safer if it is covered over.

  • Fill an empty plastic bottle or milk carton with warm tap water, seal it, and place it in beside the hedgehog to act as a little hot water bottle - it’s important this is only a gentle heat and that the hedgehog can move away from it if it wants to.

  • Provide a shallow dish or saucer of water.

  • Call your local vet immediately. You will be transferred to the vets hospital branch or advised of the out of hours procedure.

    There is NO CHARGE to a member of the public for taking a wild animal into the vets, they will be able to triage over the phone and if required admit the hedgehog providing stabilisation care and pain relief before getting in touch with their nearest rescue the next day.